Achievement: My skilling journey


May 1, 2021
United Kingdom
The Prodigy
Avatar Name
Miss Afrodita TheOne
Hello everyone,

Decided to jump on the bandwagon and start boasting about my skills (and not only) on here, because recently I hit my first level 100 profession 🥳, so here you have it.

Making fun is totally allowed, so feel free to either rip me a new one for being a massive noob or just congratulate me for the hard work which we all know it is. 🤣
Also because I have not managed to figure out how to post a pic here (yes I know, I'm just not good with stuff like this) there will only be words and if someone decides to explain how the f**ck I can add photos then I shall. Until then enjoy reading this long ass thread! 🤣🤣

My avatar stands at 420k total skillpoints, almost 299 HP, it was born around 2007 but I started to invest in hunting only in the past 3 years. My initial time was spent more mining and messing around in the EU on and off for years in a row hence I'll add some mining professions as well for you to gaze upon.

Current hunting set-up is:
Halloween Ring 2022
Ares Ring Augmented
Main Armor is Liakon tier 7 (she's my pride and joy) 🤩🥰
Weapons is Camo Arms BGH tier 6.99 (almost all mine) soon to be tier 7. Thats if I can find cheap Light Liquid 🤦🏻‍♂️.
Secondary armors for smaller codex stuff are Vigilante Adjusted and Gremlin. Nothing special.

As I only hunt now there is not mining gear to add.

I moved around socs quite a bit, I was initially in "Spartans" but after years of not being active I did get kicked out.

Second one was "ROUA Cadets" which, no offense to anyone, was nothing special apart from meeting 2 nice avatars which are now my friends.

Third one was "Bombardier" which helped me make some real connections with players and even met a lot of them in RL.

Fourth and current one, which is quite special to me is "The Prodigy", a soc which made possible for me to make even more friends all around the map and even had the pleasure to meet them last year in RL somewhere in Europe 🤫🤩. It was amazing btw and I really like this social aspect of the game and hope to do it again sometime! 🥳⚡

Big shoutout to my whatsapp Entropia group with this occasion, I have to thank all the guys there (multiple avatars from different socs which somehow got together and became friends) because they have helped me massively and they taught me so much stuff that has really changed the way I play plus they helped me maintain my mental sanity over the 2 years of pandemic by literally making me cry with laughter! 🥰🤩

If I missed anyone else that has helped me or just made me laugh please forgive me, thank you again and I look forward to spending more time with you guys.✌⚡

Profession ranks are as follows:

Ranged BLP Dmg: 100
BLP Sniper Hit: 97
Ranger Laser Dmg: 93
Laser Sniper Hit: 94
BLP Pistoleer Hit: 87
Laser Pistoleer Hit: 83
Electro Kinetic Dmg: 87
Electro Kinetic Hit: 75
Swordsman Dmg: 72
Swordsman Hit: 65
Evader: 53
Jammer: 33
Biotropic: 50
Surveyor: 49
Prospector: 48
Treasure Hunter: 38

Edit: 24/06/2023 unlocked Intuition and a few days earlier Quickness. 🥰

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I remember the days when hitting 100 prof level was considered uber.

So congratulations on hitting 100 and 300 hp still arguably a huge achievement.
Edit: got lucky today and looted Sygin Gloves M and Gosubusagi Blood Sample in the same loot. 😁 links above. Cheers.
Update: achievement unlocked, looted rare token. Weapon - Doa Longbolt CDF, Rings - Halloween Ring 19 + Easter Ring 2023 with 10 mg pills, MoB - Steel Bird medium maturity.

Hope this helps.

Congrats mate! Always good to celebrate milestones ingame