Info: Eldorado - Equus Ranch LA


Jun 2, 2005
Avatar Name
George Geo Clone

Out West of 'That Freaking Cold Place'
/wp [Calypso, 18770, 51540, 168, That Freaking Cold Place]

The Eldorado Equus Ranch
/wp [Calypso, 17682, 51724, 130, Eldorado Ranch]

Tax = 2.99%

Weekly HSL - Equus Wranglers Event

Saturdays at 00:00-00:00 UTC
To Register go to Action Library > Event List > Eldorado

Ticket Price: FREE

- 30 PED
- 20 PED
- 10 PED

Monthly - Equine Champion Event

On the 1st of every month, Prizes will be Awarded to the Top Hunter for the past month.
Tracked on EntropiaLife Equus Statistics for Highest Number of Monthly Globals.
The Maturity of mobs in this Race are: Alphas, Old Alphas, Prowlers & Stalkers
To collect your winnings, You must contact me by Private Message, on Discord or In Game.
In the event of a tie, any winnings will be split evenly between those participants.

Monthly Prize
🏆 - 100 PED

Event Details are Subject to Change Anytime and Reserve the Right to Cancel without Notice.
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Larry is in a close second for the Monthly!

There is another Weekly HSL Equus Wranglers Event set for this Friday! :cowboy:
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Reactions: LiB
Looks good brother!
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Reactions: Geo
HSL Event tomorrow at 22:00! Top 3 win 100ped each!
Go to Action Library > Event List > Eldorado to Register.

Also be sure to check the Monthly Highest Number of Globals on EL to track your chance to win up to 400ped!
Congratulations to the winners of this week's Equus Wranglers Event!
Gz for the winners!
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Reactions: Geo
HSL Event tomorrow at 22:00! Top 3 win 100ped each!
Go to Action Library > Event List > Eldorado to Register.

Also be sure to check the Monthly Highest Number of Globals on EL to track your chance to win up to 400ped!
Congrats to this weeks Wranglers! :cowboy:

Congrats to this weeks Wranglers! :cowboy:
Just wanted to say I really love the art at the top, it's perfect, awesome job! (y)
Friday Top 3 HSL event today at 22:00!
Congrats to the Equine Champions for the month of May! :cowboy:


Joe Baron-Martin - 400ped
jimmy mcmarty - 300ped

There was a tie for 3rd place and the reward will be split

Blixt Flash Gordon - 100ped
Armani "Poker" Pro - 100ped

Winners, please contact me here, on Discord or in game.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the first month of Events at the Eldorado Equus Ranch!

I will be adjusting the Tax and Rewards on the LA to help cover the costs for future Events
Please refer to the first post for updates.
Congrats to this week's Wranglers! :cowboy:

Congrats to this week's Wranglers :cowboy:

Congrats Wranglers :cowboy:

Congrats to the Champions for the month of June 2021! :cowboy:


Bob 300ped
Jimmy 200ped
Baron 100ped

Winners, please contact me here, on Discord or in game.

I will be postponing the Eldorado events till after Migration due to inactivity on LA and will be restructuring them to help cover the reward costs.
Stay tuned!
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Eldorado Ranch, Equus Wrangler HSL event Saturday Feb 12, 22:00-00:00 UTC :cowboy:
Wranglers, saddle up! HSL Event starts today at 22:00! :cowboy:
Equus Wrangler Event today! :cowboy:
Another Weekly Equus Wrangler HSL Event at the Eldorado Ranch this Saturday! 🤠
HSL Event set for Saturday :cowboy:
HSL Event this Saturday, Bump