Oil Rig Field Trip II


Apr 5, 2006
The Disturbed Ones
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The second organized Rig Field Trip for new (and some old) Entropia residents took place today, and I went along to see what it was all about.
This event was once again organized by Mikah and her Terra Verde society, with a little help from some other well known characters.
[wrap=left]https://www.planetcalypsoforum.com/gallery/files/6/7/2/5/Eps_731160.gif[/wrap]The basic idea of these trips is to give some new players a chance to visit the fabled oil rig, which without help can be very difficult due to some pretty large Atrox and a number of players who hang out there killing anyone who comes near.
In this case, a little shortcut was done, and a wormhole was opened linking Camp Phoenix and the Oil Rig together for instant travel. This is a lot easier than it sounds, and the Terra Verde society and friends have been planning this for weeks.
Firstly, four players were found capable of producing wormholes: Dale (aka Phil) and Freyr from SWaN, Nisse from SR HQ and Redstar from NBK Elite. Next, a team to take down (or at least challenge) the oil rig PK’ers was put together, lead by Eps from BlackAngels HQ (of Port Atlantis Mall fame).

After this, three teams of Atrox hunters were assembled to protect the field trippers from certain death; these were lead by Arokh & Loc from Terra Verde and Ion from Calypso Desert Rangers.


The teams start to gather at Nymph

Read the full story here
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In addition to everyone in Terra Verde, help was also provided by Xantonia and Viking from Rabbids, and Alice from Rising Potentials, to name but a few.

After weeks of organizing, the day of the trip was finally upon us…

The teams slip up either side of the river​
While two wormhole areas were being set up on either side of the river north of Camp Phoenix, the three hunting teams set off into the PvP2 area to start slaying the Atrox. I accompanied the PK team on their run to the rig so I could see all the action. Upon arriving however, it was all very civilized and no one was killing each other.

Meanwhile, back at Camp Phoenix the OJ’s started entering the first wormhole.

Out of the blue at the Oil Rig, one of the Entropia Guides showed up to explain that lag issues were affecting the OJ’s ability to enter the wormholes that were being opened…


This didn’t stop the Mindtropians from opening wormhole after wormhole to give the folks back at Phoenix every possible opportunity to get through the lag issues and arrive safely at the rig.



At one point I think they even accidently created a complete loop, setting off from Phoenix popping out of the end of it at the rig right into another heading back to Phoenix!:D


Eventually people started to filter through and soon there was quite a population at the rig. Then, as warned to all the participants in advance of the trip, the carnage started. The PK’ers at the rig opened fire on the incoming travellers.
Eps and his team leapt into action, and just in time, Nicole from Shaolin arrived to help and war broke out at the rig!
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The death toll was massive, each side killing the other over and over.



Once dead, travel back to the rig was instant as our intrepid wormhole makers by this point had established themselves at the revival outpost south of PvP2 and opened the portals over and over again…


It was only a matter of time before Akoz from Shaolin arrived, probably [wrap=left]https://www.planetcalypsoforum.com/gallery/files/6/7/2/5/protection.jpg[/wrap]realizing his ATH killing spree record was under threat. He broke out his mighty Legendary War Axe and started cutting through people like they were butter. Although he fell himself several times, he killed enough to ensure his record remained safe.

Amazingly, all my begging and pleading about not shooting the press seemed to have worked up to this point and I remained alive. I wasn't even wearing any armor and was feeling quiet cocky, so went for a casual stroll over to Nicole and Eps who were fighting for their lives when Bang! Straight in the back! I dropped on the spot, and while I was really close to Eps and Nicole, they didn’t even notice! Some protection they were! :laugh:
Who was my killer I hear you all ask, eager to take vengeance on my behalf… Gunzy! You little sod!
Just you wait until
I am uber!

Great report Pinky :)
It was so much fun .:)

but laggy :(
What a FANTASTIC coverage of the much anticipated event, PinkY!!

I loved the read, very thorough & well detailed!
I'm so very glad you got to go and relay the fun to us here, since myself & many others missed out on the action

Well thought out article and what a fun event that must have been!
Big HUGE +rep pinky!
Loved the article!

Hugz to all those who helped arrange the event & also to the wormholers ... good to see such fantastic people still do exist!
This was a very well and nice organized event. I was asked to join the anti-pker crew some weeks ago but didnt since I wasnt sure I would be online. When I later realized I could join the event I decided to stay out of any side and just try to pK as many as possible on either side.

But the stability and capcity of the MA servers and whatever runs the netcode acted like assumed, LAG was horrible, everyone rubberbanding and running in the same spot for 5 min. I am so pissed at MAs incapacity to fix these issues, its been the same EVERY event with more then 60+ green dots on radar : Every LG phase, Every robot event, The Axe event etc etc.... I dont understand why they dont put all their effort into fixing this, since its the MAIN problem of EU, it almost seems like they enjoy the lag and extra decay and ammo spent thats the result for us.
Although the lag was horrible, I enjoyed this historical event!

Thanks guys!
Great report Pinky :) That was a brilliant night, a night to remember, although i owned numerous times mainly by pornstar i dont come to the rig for oil, i come to waste ME tping back their time after time. The PK was fun, but i shamefully admit i took down a few noobs :( Great night, maby it will happen again soon :yay:
Great event <as posted in t'other topic> - i'm even in one of the pics!

Thanks for bringing it to life for all those who didn't attend pinky. (although judging by the rubber banding everyone who's ever created an account ever was at CP lol)
I join to Ion team of Atrox hunters - Thanks Ion

but :

But the stability and capcity of the MA servers and whatever runs the netcode acted like assumed, LAG was horrible, everyone rubberbanding and running in the same spot for 5 min.

Thanks Boys: yay:
Sounds like you had fun :)
I never go to events like this though. Not cause i don't find them interesting but as mice pointed out, The lag kills ALL THE FUN for me.

/Silverbanana the LAG HATER

Get your act together MA and fix the lag issues.
This was a very well and nice organized event. I was asked to join the anti-pker crew some weeks ago but didnt since I wasnt sure I would be online. When I later realized I could join the event I decided to stay out of any side and just try to pK as many as possible on either side.

But the stability and capcity of the MA servers and whatever runs the netcode acted like assumed, LAG was horrible, everyone rubberbanding and running in the same spot for 5 min. I am so pissed at MAs incapacity to fix these issues, its been the same EVERY event with more then 60+ green dots on radar : Every LG phase, Every robot event, The Axe event etc etc.... I dont understand why they dont put all their effort into fixing this, since its the MAIN problem of EU, it almost seems like they enjoy the lag and extra decay and ammo spent thats the result for us.

To be honest Mice, I don't think it's only MA's fault when it comes to rubberbanding and horrible lag issues. Of course there seems to be a big memory leak in the software, but it also seems to depend on the individual video card of the players because I wonder how those that were PKing around at the rig were able to shoot each other and run around?

No question, this lag is terrible and MA is in charge here.

Maybe invest 5% of their $160millions they made last year into a better grid?

I just try to imagine when MA and EU goes ASIA. Will it be a paralel world or will it be integrated?

Happy fragging :)
nice report
good to get more impressions how the rig area was at that time :D
Amazingly, all my begging and pleading about not shooting the press seemed to have worked up to this point and I remained alive. I wasn't even wearing any armor and was feeling quiet cocky, so went for a casual stroll over to Nicole and Eps who were fighting for their lives when Bang! Straight in the back! I dropped on the spot, and while I was really close to Eps and Nicole, they didn’t even notice! Some protection they were! :laugh:
Who was my killer I hear you all ask, eager to take vengeance on my behalf… Gunzy! You little sod!
Just you wait until
I am uber!


hehe typical gunzy, good to see nothing changes down at the rig :laugh:
Great report Pinky +rep.

I also want to thank my team who did his very best to shoot something in this lag.

Thanks guy's and gal's :)

To give a impresion, I was able to kill 2 AoA's but the lag was so huge.
When one AoA ran towards me while I was shooting, he rubberbanded so hard that I got the Mob is stuck message :scratch2:

Lets hope that guide 02 makes a report of the lag and that it was a lesson for MA for the next LG.
Nice report Pinky.

It was a great event. Shame the lag made it difficult for everyone but it is only to be expected.

Despite the lag the Araenatrox still managed to chase some of the TP running teams and bite a member or two - (mainly me).

Again many thanks to all who took part and as I posted in the other thread thanks to Midori Fairlona
Blake Seven
Alice (you already mentioned)
and FatherJack

who all helped me form the first few offical teams to run people back and then to all the others that also volunteered their services.
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Thanks very much for all the nice comments about this report :)

I assume Mikah and the other Terra Verde members will be posting on here soon, I think both them and the people Xantonia mentioned deserve some serious plus rep for the work they put into this - so get those clicking fingers going!

The time and expense involved was very high and I think I speak for a lot of people when i say thanks from all the comunity for all their efforts.

(please note, although in Terra Verde I did not contribute towards this event so save the plus reps for the other members ;) )

Regarding the lag, MA were aware of this event in advance, as Arokh spoke with one of the guides. Although I dont think it was with enough notice for them to be able to do a huge amount to fix it, I think it was nice the Guide 02 showed up to give us some commentary about what was happening the other side of the worm holes... he even TP'ed between phoenix and the rig to see how each side was doing... (I want that TP chip!) so although not great, it was good to see some effort made on their part!

Ultimatly, the aim of the event was to get some noobs to see the rig, and despite any lag issues, no one can deny the event organsisers acheived that 100%! :yay:
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Great report Pinky, I love th GIF of the wormholes :D

I think the organisation of the event was spectacular, big Gratz to those who were able to manage and organise all those OJ's! A big thankyou to Mikah and Arokh.

I think we all had a really good time and I look forward to the next one.

Best Wishes


Great Reporting Pinky and awesome pictures you got there!! The animated wormholes was a really nice touch, spectacular!

It was a community effort thats for sure and we couldnt have pulled it off without you guys, thanks so much :) ... and of course, a huge thanks to my society mates, for always being so supportive, helpful and crazy to follow these ideas... love you guys!

Thanks to Ion, one of our government officials was on the scene at the rig and at Camp Phoenix, which is a good thing because I feel they need to know the capabilities of a massive event like this under their current system, needless to say, it could have been much better had there been less lag- no doubt about it.

Thanks to Xany, Viking, Alice for helping out so much at the outposts trying to coordinate individuals back. Thanks to all mindtropians, Phil, Freyr, Red, Nisse... would have never happened without you! Team leaders did a great job as well, I even saw a few globals spam the chat.. Eps for taking lead at last minute team arrangements, your great! Thanks to all who came, I cant name everyone and I know Im missing alot, but Thank You All.. Major thanks to Guide 02 for coming, it was an Honor having a goverment official present...

With that being said, it took alot of efforts from both helpers, team leaders, mindtropians, organizers and attendees... I'd like to continue such a tradition for years to come.. lets see what happens :)

Alot of people question the reason we do this... is not for someone to gain a Pk ATH or to get Oj's stranded in the middle of nowhere (we had arranged tp runners at the spot to help all newcommers stranded and run to safety)...

We do this because the sight of seeing the Rig populated with Oj's and experienced players alike, is priceless... something very unusual to see under regular circumstances. It's good to stand away from the traditional sometimes and do something psychotic and almost suicidal- death is free in Entropia ;)

Thank you everyone who continue to support the efforts to make Entropia a slightlier more interesting place to live in and I really do believe that this was a form of test for Mindark, after the physics engine was introduced... to see how the server held up for future Landgrabs.

Either way, I had alot of fun and I hope many others see the efforts, sweat and work that were made from all counterparts, to make it happen. I'm still in awe and shock, this time I believe there were about 200-300 people in CP at one time, double or more of the attendees we had last year...:eek:

The aim of the event, as Pinky stated, was for players to see the Rig under circumstances they normally wouldnt do... whether dead or alive :silly2:. I think the purpose was achieved...

When is the next one? Not sure... lets see what happens :handgun:

Thanks to everyone who participated !
thanks pinky, nice report.
Nice report Pinky. :)

Shame about the lag really - I didn't expect this much, especially after I notified the guides about a week before the event so MA could prepare. Assuming they passed on the message, we had the benefit of all MA could provide for the event. It was pretty laggy last year, but this time we had more than double the number of people attend... so as you can imagine it was an excellent turnout.

I was suprised about the number of volunteers PMing me about helping out for the event... seriously there were rediculous numbers of PMs sent back and forth. Originally I had only planned for one Atrox hunting team (12 people), but so many people wanted to come, we ended up having three! Nice to see everyone pitch in like that for an event like this, so a BIG thanks to everyone who came along. You made the job so much easier, and even though we did die quite a few times and had to experience slow motion hunting - we had fun. :)

Certainly worth all the time it took to get the thing to happen, and I hope everyone enjoyed the event!
Nice report Pinky! :wtg:

I wish i was on this event. NEXT Year ill be for sure.
Nice report Pinky on what sounds like a great event. Kudos to all involved :)
Great recap and great report pinky but you might have left out the insane amount of lag and lock ups.

I crashed 2 times that day and have pc lock up where I could not see or do anything for 5 mins……….. :(

Even Star had problems where he was rubber banding most of the pk trip , and just running in circles.

But it was a great event and would like to thank every one that helped out especially the nice people that donated the M.E. for all the wormholes….

The funny thing was I was looking for you too pinky and when I finally saw you , you where dead :(

And my revival chip has not been working since the patch…. Support case filed :(
I was on a small part of the trip.. It was cool.
Hey Pinky, Gunzy's my mentor.. Lol.
I didn't make it to the oil rig.
Eventhough I got Fort Troy. And I'm very happy about that.. cause Phoenix is crap right now.
I hope I'll explore Troy soon.
I'm pretty busy right now so.
Gunzy looked like Whoopie Goldberg!
While I wasn't able to attend, I just want to make sure the folks who created the wormholes for this event get their fair share of thanks.

For those who don't know, Wormholes are created with a special (and very expensive) mind force chip. You can't even use this chip until you've skilled very high (and as many know, skilling MF is generally a long, expensive and thankless job).

If that weren't bad enough, every successful wormhole requires 678 Mind Essence. At the current rate of 195%, that means each and every single wormhole cost 13.22PED plus decay to make!

That means according to Pinky's report, this cost was shouldered by 4 people.

I don't know what, if any compensation they got, (knowing some of them, I wouldn't be surprised if they refused compensation anyway) but anyway you slice it, a very small group of folks paid a lot of money just to give new players a treat.

So to those 4
Pinky said:
Dale (aka Phil) and Freyr from SWaN, Nisse from SR HQ and Redstar from NBK Elite
and any who helped with the financial side of the burden I wanna say thanks for all your hard work folks.
I also want to send thanks to EPS and his crew. Again, once you count the expensive and large amount of ammo, decay, etc. these folks used, we have another huge chunk of change that folks spent just for new game players. Keep in mind the guns they use generally take 15-25 ammo/shot! (depending on their weapon of choice) So every single shot sucked up about 25PEC counting decay.

Sure, the first batch of ammo was used to clear Atrox, and thus globals were available, however after that, they had to use lots of ammo in order to defend the rig-goers. There's 0 chance for financial compensation from all that fighting.

Holy crap, this game has some of the coolest folks around.
The funny thing was I was looking for you too pinky and when I finally saw you , you where dead :(

And my revival chip has not been working since the patch…. Support case filed :(

:laugh: It happens to me a lot. I think I must be at least a grand master at dying by now... Kinda sucks when you have to just lie there taking pictures though - I spent 30 mins dead before finally reviving for fear of missing something and then finding out the wormholes had been set up at the revival and i got have come back instantly in the first place! :D
While I wasn't able to attend, I just want to make sure the folks who created the wormholes for this event get their fair share of thanks.

For those who don't know, Wormholes are created with a special (and very expensive) mind force chip. You can't even use this chip until you've skilled very high (and as many know, skilling MF is generally a long, expensive and thankless job).

If that weren't bad enough, every successful wormhole requires 678 Mind Essence. At the current rate of 195%, that means each and every single wormhole cost 13.22PED plus decay to make!

That means according to Pinky's report, this cost was shouldered by 4 people.

I don't know what, if any compensation they got, (knowing some of them, I wouldn't be surprised if they refused compensation anyway) but anyway you slice it, a very small group of folks paid a lot of money just to give new players a treat.

So to those 4

and any who helped with the financial side of the burden I wanna say thanks for all your hard work folks.

Thanks JC

To be honest though, think we're just glad to get the excuse to use the chip :)

Months of skilling to use it, improve chance of success and so on. Then, how often do you have reason to open a 12ped teleport?

Think that's how the original trip ("newbie oil rig trip I") came about - a conversation Mikah and I had shortly after I'd unlocked it.

Worked out alright in the end :wtg: (though only thanks to the help of the countless others already mentioned!)

Great report btw Pinky :)