
Thorns Rose

Nov 10, 2009
Calypso Rescue Team
Avatar Name
New York Rose
OK, There will be a QUAD ONLY event in a PVP area of space with a grand prize for winner who can kill the designated pirate inside the area.

Will be a 10 PED entry fee- No buffs/ no armor/no space hacks..Only maneuvers and skill ( will be a screenshot used and initial inspection )

Will be called " Kill The Kraut" as will be Krautbawls .
AKA Sloth

All proceeds will go to grand prize to kill him.

COMING SOON- Stay tuned to PCF for details
This event sounds interesting people should sign up for this that’s for sure.
Great post their rose very excellent idea!!!!!
Little background. Krautbawls aka Sloth has played Entropia Universe since 2004 and was in NVE, so if he looted you ( as they did me ) would be moment with few other pirates who might join to get proper 1 Vs 1 play

Come out and have fun!!! :yay:
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PVP in equal chances sounds pretty tempting to me... if I have the opportunity to be online at that time I will come 100%.

My question is whether he participates in this event of his choice or you want revenge :laugh:
Hey I'm retired and rusty. Its a fun bounty event in non lootable pvp. Come get it 😁
I'll also be streaming it so people can view along if they don't want to participate first hand
sounds awesome NYR, i SUCK at pvp so i'll just look on from some ship or twitch. If you need help, call me
And what if I'm first in the race and I kill you before others have a chance to even see you :wave:
Good question. Tourny could go as follows: if two or more should smite me down, they will go into a bracket style tourney for the prize. Top dog takes the bounty
Ok, I got my Mindark response about if it does against TOS of game and it does NOT depending on prizes and event rules!

I will be re-establishing this event as " Shoot the Sloth" and information soon of date and time reschedules as per MA Support case.

Lets have some fun! :yay:
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I wish I could take part in something like this but I don't have a laser on my quad and can't really afford to fire one either! XD
10 ped donation/entry 14th of April. Shoot the Sloth. winner take all. no winner? @NYR has to give it away!!!

"Shoot the Sloth" event will be today at
24:00 at Calypso Space Station to join. donations and Ped will be collected by Kitty Fire. Prize will go to winner depending on how much collected. Is Free to join !

Thank you Rose for the awesome updates all the time
Nobody won last nite. the 500 ped cash pot lives on. Come get it next time :)
Admin, can you change title and remove "coming soon" please? ( In thread title)
Thank you
“Shoot the Sloth”

During New York Roses Show on Thursday May 12th come shoot the sloth and win the grand prize. Come out and have some fun in non lootable pvp. Quads only and Kismit 1 weapons. Meet at Calypso Space Station.
See you all there!!
We are Live now..Come up to CSS and play "Shoot The Sloth" I am hanging..come play is non - lootable so great fun!! Bring quad and have fun!
Ok, Can lock this thread. :)
Rose don’t feel bad..