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  1. BuStLe

    Selling: [Easter Ring 2021]+[Ares Ring, Perfected]

    Selling this nice combo rings Easter Ring 2021 + Ares Ring, Perfected this combo gives you max critical chance (5%), almost max reload (14%) and 29% critical dmg SB:15k BO:16k *Ped only*
  2. BuStLe

    Selling: WTS/Temp Swap A&P Series Mayhem LP-100, Modified T7.99

    Hello, I'm considering selling or temporarily swap my A&P Series Mayhem LP-100, Modified T7.99 for your A&P Series Mayhem BP-70, Perfected tier 8+. For selling i can take the following items as part of the deal for this order of preference: A&P Series Mayhem BP-70, Perfected tier 8+ ArMatrix...
  3. BuStLe

    Selling: Hedoc Mayhem, Modified, Omegaton Mayhem Power Claw Cleaver, Modified (Vendor Pull)

    As title says I can pull one of those Hedoc Mayhem, Modified or Omegaton Mayhem Power Claw Cleaver, Modified Price: 33k Ped Pm here or ingame Thank you!
  4. BuStLe

    Gold Rush solution to the exploits

    dang.. right after enter the instance wife call me for dinner. Now i have all boss have spawned should i leave? @Hego Damask pls reply fast i want to hunt :tapfinger
  5. BuStLe

    Exploit in Gold Rush 2023 event cat 04

    Is someone required to kill regular mobs by the rules? I am not participating in this event because it is very poorly designed imo. The focus should be this and not blame those who are smarter than us.
  6. BuStLe

    Selling: WTS [Tide Claw Pristine Element]

  7. BuStLe

    Summer Strongbox drop

    Funny thing is after 20yrs with the same behaviour people still have trust :unsure: Sold all my summer box's before migration start and glad i did. With years of experience i had the gut feeling they will do this because they don't care for people's investments and also prices were insanely high...
  8. BuStLe

    Buying: [A-3 Justifier Mk. 5, Mentor Edition]

  9. BuStLe

    MA You Fixed Opal And Gems. It's Time To Do The Same Thing To Tier Components! Adjust Tier Requirements On Certain Items Too.

    So.. you want to tier something and not willing to pay what actual MU? I'm with you on this.. MA should increase drop/availability on some other items too like Unique Sacrificial Dagger, BP-70, Perfected, BC-120 FEN, LP-100 even Imk2 at least to a point were i can afford them. Seriously... if...
  10. BuStLe

    Selling: [SOLD]Selling/Take Offer A-3 Justifier Mk.2, Improved Tier 2,9

    One thing is lose peds another thing is lose peds but with style :D Don't underestimate people when it comes to style.
  11. BuStLe

    Buying: [A-3 Justifier Mk. 5, Mentor Edition]

    :cool: :cool: