Question: Why does ppl close their appartments when they are selling it?


Nov 16, 2005
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I have been looking for a place to call my own for a while now and come across this phenomenon several times.

I would like to actually see the place before I buy it, so unlock the door please.

Dunno why ppl do this..
Perhaps some are confused between the requirement to restrict the deed before sale (which is compulsory), and setting the estate to Private (which isn't)?
Because they don't want people to see what kind of housekeeper they are :laugh:
I wouldn't want people to see my giant BDSM room....
I have been looking for a place to call my own for a while now and come across this phenomenon several times.

I would like to actually see the place before I buy it, so unlock the door please.

Dunno why ppl do this..

So all the creatures piled up inside surprise the new owner. :laugh:

No but serious, could Mindark not make it, so the right settings are set to the estate,
the moment you put a deed on auctions ? :scratch2: