Small Creature, Massive loss.


Sep 8, 2017
My little baby, "Beauty", just died in my arms. He was with me for 15 Years. He had a bladder infection and on a special diet. Two weeks ago, he was at the Vet, to remove a fat-ball, from his tail and a tooth infection. It healed fast. But the Vet told me, he is in bad shape, due to his kidneys and I should keep force feeding him, with a syringe. He already loved being fed cold mineral water, with a syringe. Used to jump on the table, bug me until I get out from behind the PC and feed him a few syringes of water.

He was the last born, out of a litter of 5 . I assisted his mother at birth, by gently pulling him out, by his tail. He was the ugliest of the bunch. Very quiet, kept himself apart from the rest. Big scary eyes and kinda creepy. At the time, I was living in, with another older woman and she claimed him and named him "Beauty". And all the other cats had to go.

But he chose me and stuck to me, living with me in the attic-room. He did not like the woman and she is a psychology patient and serious agressive mood-swings. But after my accident, I was bed-ridden for a bunch of surgical procedures. Beuaty was with me all the way, conforting me in the attic. He used to like to groom my head and ears with his tongue and tickle me that way. Showing affection his way. Over a period of 11 Years, she kicked me out several times. The last time, I ended up living in a caravan in a camping. I had an agreement with her, to take showers at her place and visit Beauty. At one point, she called me, letting me know, days after, that she had kicked out the cat. A cat that never went outside and not used to it. I immideitelly drove there in my car, looking for him. He responded to his name, with his familliar sounding voice. That day I held him in my arms, head cradled between my neck and shoulders, sobbing and crying uncontrolebly for about an hour. That very moment, I knew I had to get him away from there and find a home for us fast. I made a deal with her to keep him indoors and paid cash for it, for as long as it takes.

Soon after, I managed to find myself my own place. And Beauty came with me ofc. For some years, we lived together happily. We were tight and we had history. He was truly the happiest and most spoiled cat. I used to take him for walks on a leash. Boy did he love that and wagged his tail fast, like a dog, out of happyness.

Due to his internal medical issues, he gagged and threw up frequently. We had a thing, that he would give a certain meauw, and I would come running and hold him in a special way, whilst he threw up, on the floor. When finished, I would clean up after him. And feed him some water. He loved claiming my lap, for hours and fall asleep. He would tuck me into bed at night , hug me a bit and take his place at the end of my bed, guarding me when I sleep.

Very intelligent cat and those big eyes would talk to me a lot. Wednesday morning, he was sitting depressed in the window sil in my room. Its been like this for a while now. I also fed him there sometimes. I fed him one syringe of water. After a while I heard a soft meauw and jumped up imediatelly to see whats up. He was gagging, frail and weak. I picked him up gently to hold him on the floor, to throw up. When I let go, he fell over, too weak to stand and threw up, lying on his side. I cleaned up and wiped him clean also, with a warm wet cloth. I gently lay him in his confy bed, in a chair, next to mine. Gently stroking him and giving words of encouragement and love. He tried standing up and fell over immediatelly. I picked him up, and laid him gently on my bed end, outstreched on his side. He started breathing real fast, like he ran a marathon or having it too hot. Panting. I kept softly stroking him for a while. Eventually his breathing rythm settled down and he even purred softly. I took a coffee break. When I checked up on him, there was no movement, no breathing rythms, nothing. Eyes still open and his left back leg, rattled a little. I cried so much, stroking him softly. Even picked him up and held him for a while crying powerfully.

Eventually I wrapped him in his blankie, and lay him in a shoe-box, with his toys, leash and tactical jacked. Burried him nearby in the bushes. The last two day I have been having powerfull bouts of emotion and crying in my house. Small things reminding me of him, trigger me. Two night now, cried myself to sleep at night. He was unique, had a very unique personality and such a loving charachter. My house is empty now. My reason for rising each day, gone.

I know he went gently and not much suffering. And that he had a very good life well taken care of and even spoiled rotten. But it doesnt minish the heartache and pain of my loss. He was an integral part of my life. Never a burden, but a welcome responsibility. My emotional cruch, gone. God loaned him to me for a while. Born in my hands and died in my arms.

Im so heartbroken at the moment and its devistating.

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This was heartbreaking to read.

I am sorry for your loss. :cry:
This was heartbreaking to read.

I am sorry for your loss. :cry:
Thanks for the kind words. I thought I share, because many in the EU community, knew of Beauty and my ingame kitten is also called Beauty. The only true valuables in life, are relationships, experiences, memories, love that can be taken into eternity. These are the treasures of Heaven. This experience has showed me, God also uses other creatures in his creation, to cause profound spiritual impact on persons. He came to me ,in a time I was under an abusive tyrant, and sustained me through that. period. But it was mutual. We clicked and we had each other. If cats have souls, he definitelly was a kind and gentle soul. Even good willed. When he was younger, he used to love wrestling with my hand. I didnt mind the scraches either. And he didnt hold back either. He would switch into combat mode at a drop of a hat, when I would hold my hand and coax him in a certain way. But he would just as quick, switch right back to being lovey-dovey with me. Bugger even purred whilst wrestling with me. Man I love him to bits. He will always be in my heart.

Yesterday, I visited his grave and placed some flowers on it. Sobbing and very emotional whilst doing it.
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