Piece of paper.

Is there some significance to the circles being of different sizes? Are they meant to represent orbs, or a conjunction of planets? :scratch:

I would go as far as saying that the different sizes are... perspective.

new umbranoids?

+ rep Rumsponge

This got me to thinking.

Remember way back when Umbranoids used to drop the Daggers of Doom and Despair?

Here is a description of the D Series daggers:

The Red "D"-series of daggers is a rare occurrence on Calypso. Nobody seems to know where they originate from, and their design suggest other than human development. The name of the dagger is seen in the blade from time to time and some even claim they blade speak to them in certain circumstances. Some scientists believe the daggers are of alien origin, and that they indicate that a people other than humans inhabited Calypso sometime in the past. The Federal Empire rigorously counters any such statement as "utter nonsense" though.

Maybe the orbs are this alien race coming back to inhabit Calypso. It would seem maybe the Umbranoids had some contact with this race and maybe why they were in possession of these daggers.

"The name of the dagger is seen in the blade from time to time and some even claim they blade speak to them in certain circumstances."

Has anyone noticed any changes in their "D" series daggers?

Even the Umbranoid description sort of makes them out to be Shadow beings.

Name Meaning: Umbranoid - Humanoid is used to describe beings with similar built/anatomy to humans , but these are something like shadows/ghosts of the humans they once were. "umbra" means "shade, shadow, ghost, semblance" in latin.

Old mutant designs show them being more advanced too.

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

Picture courtesy of McCormick and all his wonderful additions to the Beta part of our gallery

I guess this could really turn into the "Umbra Conspiracy" if that is where the Orb event is headed.

I think the original inhabitants of Calypso want it back. Maybe the Umbranoids that were scattered around Calypso were those that got left behind in some mass Exodus and now their ancient ancestors have returned and rescued them and intend to purge us from Calypso. Maybe the Umbranoids were not mutated humans after all but some other mutated alien species closely resembling humans. :eek: ooooo the possibilities MA could go with this.
I still hope that the orbs will show as a new kind of beacons, where we hunt Umbra's instead of drióids.
the seven red things on the bottom look like bombs/rockets to me =x
After hearing about the piece I went to twin and managed to loot one to see for myself. Upon looking at it first thing I noticed was actually not so much the orb or the argo looking things.. it was the red scribbles at the sides... Call me crazy but could they be a message too? Could it be in CHINESE???? Anyone who can read chinese perhaps can help translate... Just a theory :)
...from what i gather from the painting i think the open mouths running on bottom of painting are argonaughts running from the orbs. It is possible that the argos had a war with the umbras and that maybe the black orbs were their ships or something because of the naught part in argonaught if anyone could go translate that word for me just connecting astronaught cosmonaught...etc. naught= explore? anyway yes i think there was a war and the argos spawn at the orbs because they trying to get off planet? they know what happened to the umbras and they dont wanna be around to find out '0'!
piece of paper

Have someone repaired it? Does any new information appear? I repaired logs, but no difference...
obviously the picture shows the monsters under the pillers of fire, something like that was mentioned/translated from girl (npc) i believe some time ago.

just a thought :)
I had the idea to repair it in case something reveals but nothing...:p
anyone know an actual price of this piece of paper?
Old mutant designs show them being more advanced too.

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

Picture courtesy of McCormick and all his wonderful additions to the Beta part of our gallery

Nothing really says that the Mutant in the old beta images actually are Umbranoids though.
Some of the critters were simply never implemented.
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Nothing really says that the Mutant in the old beta images actually are Umbranoids though.
Some of the critters were simply never implemented.
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

Umbranoids have evolved a great deal from PE into EU. Looking back I would think they share roots with the weapon wielding mutants shown in the Beta Screenies but you are right there is nothing specific about it.

Remember when the ATH list was populated with ??? as the description lol everytime I used to find a mob labelled ??? I thought I was in store for some decent loot lol ahhh but I digress just reminiscing a bit.

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]
Umbranoids have evolved a great deal from PE into EU. Looking back I would think they share roots with the weapon wielding mutants shown in the Beta Screenies but you are right there is nothing specific about it.

Remember when the ATH list was populated with ??? as the description lol everytime I used to find a mob labelled ??? I thought I was in store for some decent loot lol ahhh but I digress just reminiscing a bit.

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

I'm not saying you're wrong Sirhc. You might in fact be quite right. And the yes, they sure have evolved - loosing the 3rd eye for a start...
Umbranoids have evolved a great deal from PE into EU. Looking back I would think they share roots with the weapon wielding mutants shown in the Beta Screenies but you are right there is nothing specific about it.

Remember when the ATH list was populated with ??? as the description lol everytime I used to find a mob labelled ??? I thought I was in store for some decent loot lol ahhh but I digress just reminiscing a bit.

[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

I still remember the first time I ever saw an umbranoid back in 2003. I bought some ammo from the TT and carried my trusty Solomate Busho (also from the TT) out to the area north of Orthos. It took me forever to kill one with no armor, fap, or amp on the gun. I had figured I would loot a set of clothes and a knife, but alas, all I got was some pecs and #$%&ing wool. The funny part is that this encounter was so disheartening that it set me on the path to be a trader for 1-2 years... Had I stuck with hunting during that time, who knows where I would be. :)
Egg space pirates..?
[br]Click to enlarge[/br]

I made a detail of the painting.

It looks like the orbs are floating over burning cities with what I originally thought were people running but now looking at it closer it looks like they are creature with piercing white eyes and huge maws with big rows of teeth. At first I thought it was a representation of an Argo but I don't think they are black with glowing white eyes. Maybe the orbs will mutate them further.

hmmmmm :scratch:

Maybe the Argos are like the guy in the TV show Heroes who can paint the future and this is what they see.

maybe it is argos and they will be wiped out!! thats why they spawn close to the orbs, they are there to destroy them, and they take their best soldiers with them ( elite) and those funny looking big fokkers.
I found one Piece of Paper too. so? What is it good for? are they dropping alote? or it is rare
Looted my first bit of paper in 2 weeks solid argo hunting last night...

Wonder if they signify another impending umbra attack at the orbs?

Interesting to Note :)