Echipa României

Although finished third, still a big congratz to you Romania. The amount of effort put into the finals was certainly no less than the other two. And looking at the amount of globals scored :bowdown:
Thnx for participating and gl to next year.
Great job everybody!!

It was really nice to see so many romanian players working together. Special thanks to Kiki and Eldwin and also to all participants in support teams.

To USA and Sweden : :yay: :yay: :yay: GRATZ!!
And also be aware that next year we will also wear shaddow. Or Necromancer:).
Hi, this is just a friendly note thanking you for your participation in the WoF
and cordially inviting your Team, your Socs and anyone who can make it to FoF X.

The link is here:

It's a 2-day free global comp between teams and armies.... June 30th/July 1st

Hope to see you there,
